I want you to be happy with your purchase and am happy to make returns as easy as possible. I am overly picky about my images and usually filter out defects. I am human and my once eagle eyes now need the cheaters to see things up close. So if you find something that bothers you, I want to know about it. Again, I want you to be happy with your purchase.
You may return a photograph, in the same condition in which it arrived, for a full refund within 30 days of the date you received it. Be sure to wrap the picture in all of the protective coverings that it arrived in. No refunds if the picture returns damaged. You will have to pay return shipping and insurance. The refund will be made by check or credit to your credit card account, depending on how you originally paid.
If a photograph arrives in damaged condition, please call or e-mail me immediately and retain all packing materials.